New Patient Information and Health Questionnaire First Name *Last Name *Date of Birth *Country of Birth Address Phone (Home and/or mobile) *Occupation Email *Next of Kin *Marital Status SingleMarriedDivorcedWidowedSeparatedReason for referral Past History Rheumatic FeverHeart MurmurHeart AttackHigh CholesterolHigh TriglyceridesHigh blood pressureDiabetesHave you had the following tests before? AngiogramStentsHeart SurgeryEchocardiogramStress testThallium scan/Nuclear scanOtherHave you had previous surgeries? Any allergies *Have you ever smoked Cigarettes? YesNeverIf yes, how many packets a day for how many years Family medical history Do you have any of the following symptoms Chest painFainting/DizzinessIndigestionBreathing problemsWeight changesNervousnessOthersBy submitting this form, you agree that the information provided on this form is true and accurate. *YesWebsiteSubmit